2022  8

November  2

GoToSocial 0.6.0(rc1) upgrade

November 29, 2022

self-hosting a GoToSocial instance

November 29, 2022

October  4

Football Web Pages APEX application

October 25, 2022

a simple APEX application using REST API

October 16, 2022

introduction to REST API’s

October 6, 2022

why Hashnode, why now ?

October 4, 2022

September  2

Masking sensitive fields in APEX

September 26, 2022

Hugo blog now hosted on Netlify

September 23, 2022

2021  2

October  1

Agile development with Oracle APEX

October 11, 2021

March  1

BetFair should really be called BetUnfair

March 10, 2021

2020  25

July  1

intelligent people doing stupid things

July 20, 2020

June  2

the curious case of the ‘More’ tag

June 11, 2020

in praise of MiniDLNA

June 4, 2020

May  16

rendezvous with strange man in mask

May 21, 2020

Netflix lockdown list

May 19, 2020

remembering Ian Curtis

May 18, 2020

small changes, big improvement

May 15, 2020

think of the grandchildren

May 14, 2020

bringing order to chaos - maybe

May 13, 2020

keeping a sense of perspective

May 12, 2020

Day 14

May 9, 2020

Day 13

May 8, 2020

Day 12

May 7, 2020

Day 11

May 6, 2020

Day 10

May 5, 2020

Day 9

May 4, 2020

Day 8

May 3, 2020

Day 7

May 2, 2020

Day 6

May 1, 2020

April  5

Day 5

April 30, 2020

Day 4

April 29, 2020

Day 3

April 28, 2020

Day 2

April 27, 2020

Day 1

April 26, 2020

March  1

Coronavirus playlist

March 24, 2020

2019  2

October  1

Watch Your User

October 25, 2019

February  1

why I dislike the popular TV quiz show - Tipping Point

February 27, 2019

2018  5

December  1

the curious case of the filling station incident

December 31, 2018

November  4

fixing Dovecot stats writer permissions

November 29, 2018

in praise of Silver Searcher

November 15, 2018

Another blog migration

November 14, 2018

The National - You were a kindness

November 10, 2018

2017  1

January  1

Gnus now unbelievably speedy

January 13, 2017

2016  12

October  1

life with Emacs

October 21, 2016

September  1

life before Emacs

September 2, 2016

August  1

extending Bash history

August 27, 2016

June  1

adventures with FreeNAS

June 24, 2016

May  1

FA Cup Final

May 23, 2016

April  2

optimising Emacs and elfeed

April 28, 2016

Code highlight example

April 1, 2016

March  5

how mu4e changed my life

March 23, 2016

AWS security

March 9, 2016

GIT tutorial for SVN users

March 8, 2016

from GitHub pages to Amazon S3

March 7, 2016


March 4, 2016

2014  3

July  1

20 questions

July 7, 2014

June  2

SIPP review

June 12, 2014

Grimm Viewing

June 4, 2014

2013  5

October  2

Music For Sheep

October 29, 2013

where are they now ?

October 25, 2013

September  3

Kingstonian FC 4 Grays Athletic 0

September 8, 2013

Arundel House Hotel

September 4, 2013

kids of today

September 4, 2013

2012  15

October  3

Amazon customer service

October 8, 2012

Octopress versus Drupal performance

October 3, 2012

Diamond Geezer’s audience

October 1, 2012

September  9

back to basics

September 29, 2012

speeding up Octopress generation

September 20, 2012

left back

September 20, 2012

migration complete

September 17, 2012

the awkward second post

September 14, 2012

Hello World

September 14, 2012

migration plan

September 14, 2012

blog migration checklist

September 14, 2012

Autumn migration

September 14, 2012

February  2

blog maintenance

February 2, 2012

right said Fred

February 1, 2012

January  1

New Year resolution

January 1, 2012

2011  20

August  3

I Am Not Left Handed - This Is Now

August 12, 2011

I Am Not Left Handed - That Was Then

August 12, 2011

interview with I Am Not Left Handed

August 12, 2011

July  4


July 26, 2011

Google Music - available by 2017

July 26, 2011

Welcome to the brave new world

July 21, 2011

humour on BBC breakfast

July 21, 2011

May  3

farewell Paul Scholes

May 31, 2011

Rob Daley RIP

May 28, 2011

the joy of Markdown

May 17, 2011

April  1

C grade student

April 24, 2011

March  2

exciting times

March 3, 2011

why Arsenal lost the Carling Cup

March 1, 2011

February  1

Sarah Baskerville’s hidden agenda

February 9, 2011

January  6

open letter to South West trains

January 13, 2011

Drupal 7 released

January 5, 2011

first and last and always - Google Reader

January 5, 2011

to markdown or not to markdown

January 5, 2011

incident at Manchester City training ground

January 5, 2011

CRM - Royal Mail style

January 2, 2011

2010  61

December  7

essential modules for your new Drupal 7 site

December 22, 2010

marketing plan for Drupal 7 launch

December 22, 2010

CRM for bloggers

December 18, 2010

playing with the Android Kindle Reader

December 18, 2010

Cock watch

December 15, 2010

waiting for The National

December 8, 2010

Comet 0 Customer 3

December 6, 2010

November  4

train the trainer

November 26, 2010

an evening with James Cracknell

November 26, 2010

all change please

November 16, 2010

why I hate Kitties and Whips

November 13, 2010

October  8

usual suspects

October 20, 2010

cyber terrorism is the new terrorism

October 19, 2010

a year with Linux

October 18, 2010

Rooney heads for the exit

October 14, 2010

starting from zero

October 13, 2010

Habari development roadmap

October 13, 2010

Habari 0.7 developer release

October 13, 2010


October 13, 2010

September  7


September 17, 2010

innocence of youth

September 17, 2010

Papal visit

September 16, 2010

drowning man

September 8, 2010

Sherlock Burns and Dr. Hall investigate

September 7, 2010

lost in translation

September 6, 2010

non League Saturday

September 6, 2010

August  2

where’s the crane ?

August 24, 2010

urban artist

August 6, 2010

July  6

down the pan

July 21, 2010

complaint to Ofcom

July 16, 2010

if carlsberg made drummers

July 8, 2010

lockdown in Rothbury

July 8, 2010

Deutschland - eine Entschuldigung

July 5, 2010

bang the (ear) drum

July 2, 2010

June  3

turbulence ahead

June 23, 2010

the one where I raped a man

June 8, 2010

Wayne Rooney’s World Cup diary

June 8, 2010

May  2

securing a job on LinkedIn

May 11, 2010

The National - Royal Albert Hall

May 7, 2010

April  2

thoughts on browser usability

April 30, 2010

why Susan Kramer didn’t vote on Digital Economy Bill

April 8, 2010

March  4

end of a love affair

March 26, 2010

when ethernet cables go bad

March 25, 2010

the most embarrassing night of my life

March 10, 2010

wit and wisdom of David Thorne

March 3, 2010

February  6

HDIA day declared

February 18, 2010

open door policy

February 17, 2010

press the eject and give me the tape

February 17, 2010

untold riches with next generation Adsense

February 17, 2010

taking a back seat

February 17, 2010

float in isolation

February 4, 2010

January  10

why can’t people understand date arithmetic ?

January 29, 2010

Happy Anniversary

January 29, 2010

34 years

January 29, 2010

the wit and wisdom of Gary Cook

January 28, 2010

fun with keywords

January 20, 2010

milkman of human kindness

January 20, 2010

Steve Jobs on design

January 19, 2010

Arthur Smith nails it

January 13, 2010

the mechanics of IT

January 4, 2010

meaningless annual stats review

January 2, 2010

2009  80

December  7

dreaded Nigerian underpants bomber

December 30, 2009


December 23, 2009

the importance of end users

December 22, 2009

why Linux will never succeed in the mainstream

December 16, 2009

wit and wisdom of Arsenal fans

December 15, 2009

in praise of Killing Joke

December 15, 2009

inside the open source confessional

December 9, 2009

November  1

world series of American Ladies soccer

November 10, 2009

October  6

microblogging massive ideas

October 26, 2009

death of a Kirby salesman

October 26, 2009

dyslexic graffiti

October 25, 2009

how I ditched Windows and embraced Gloria

October 14, 2009

Yak shaving

October 14, 2009

how I ditched iTunes and started living with Foobar 2000

October 10, 2009

September  9


September 24, 2009

three red rings of death

September 22, 2009

Welcome to Manchester

September 21, 2009

Posterous leveraging Tumblr themes

September 18, 2009

from insurgent to suicide bomber

September 18, 2009

the curious case of Michael Shields

September 10, 2009

inside the mind of Andy Murray

September 9, 2009

dangerous precedent

September 2, 2009

a night at The Office

September 1, 2009

August  34

Virgin Media email outage

August 26, 2009

why West Ham and Millwall kicked off

August 26, 2009

more questions than answers

August 25, 2009

poor man’s Italian coffee shop

August 25, 2009

celebrities on Twitter

August 25, 2009

where’s your Google Shared Items ?

August 23, 2009

Noel Gallagher on Citeh

August 23, 2009

strategies for making friends on social networks

August 21, 2009

the resurrection of Google Reader

August 21, 2009

forbidden fruits

August 20, 2009

why Rugby Union is a complete joke

August 18, 2009


August 17, 2009

full circle

August 17, 2009

holiday highlights

August 13, 2009

PubSubHubbub - faster than the speed of sound

August 12, 2009

couple of HD channels for Virgin Media

August 12, 2009

great balls of fire

August 10, 2009

what you see is what you get

August 7, 2009

product minimalism

August 7, 2009

fear and loathing in Broome

August 7, 2009

the other side of Aboriginal culture

August 7, 2009

Aboriginal culture

August 7, 2009

the wit and wisdom of Darren Bent

August 6, 2009

Why JS-Kit and Echo is doomed

August 6, 2009

mystery man

August 6, 2009

Saint Michael of Chester

August 5, 2009

History professors

August 4, 2009

tips for dealing with Australian customs

August 4, 2009

death of a disco dancer

August 4, 2009

dumb, captive animals at Australia zoo

August 4, 2009

the month that never was

August 4, 2009

holiday statistics

August 4, 2009

where will it all end ?

August 4, 2009

Manchester City’s title winning lineup

August 4, 2009

June  6

grunting at Wimbledon

June 25, 2009

The Fall - Kentish Town Forum (10/6/09)

June 17, 2009

aftermath of flight AF447

June 10, 2009

open letter to Bob Crowe

June 10, 2009

if Carlsberg made typos

June 9, 2009

how I lost my Linux virginity

June 2, 2009

May  5

singalonga Shearer

May 25, 2009

more bizarre toilet notices

May 9, 2009

Arsenal vs MUFC - Champions League Semi Final

May 8, 2009

why Ballack, Drogba and Terry need to look inwardly

May 8, 2009

announcing Minima - an exciting, new minimalist theme for Habari

May 8, 2009

April  2

memories of Hillsborough

April 15, 2009

the death of Open Micro Blogging

April 1, 2009

March  5

consolidation of commenting services

March 27, 2009

weird subliminal messages from Wiki demigods

March 25, 2009

in praise of Doug Burns

March 24, 2009

Fulham 2 MUFC 0

March 23, 2009

sports bars of Europe

March 5, 2009

February  1

is Spotify the game changer for online music ?

February 11, 2009

January  4

possession of an offensive weapon

January 22, 2009

inside Jamie Carragher’s head

January 12, 2009

embarassing Dad

January 9, 2009

BGO to LHR via AMS

January 9, 2009

2008  94

December  5

blogging statistics

December 27, 2008

music for nothing

December 26, 2008

beyond the expected

December 2, 2008

identica poised to pounce on Pownce

December 2, 2008

why Reddit is useless for bloggers

December 2, 2008

November  10

how to make 131 friends on identi.ca in 14 hours

November 28, 2008

evangelism - Habari style

November 27, 2008

open letter to Mark Burgess

November 21, 2008

has your company got a Community Manager ?

November 20, 2008

open letter to Tony Hawks

November 19, 2008

more fun with keyword searches

November 18, 2008

black screen of death

November 13, 2008

5 useful Firefox plugins

November 5, 2008

Sky channels back on Virgin Media

November 5, 2008


November 3, 2008

October  5

covert operations with Surrey Traffic Police

October 30, 2008

Ince on Celtic

October 25, 2008

Grauniad switches to full text RSS feeds

October 25, 2008

floating on air

October 10, 2008

Mike Ashley reverse 914 scam uncovered

October 8, 2008

September  7

review of Habari 0.5

September 26, 2008

Web 2.0 relationship scorecard

September 25, 2008

onwards and upwards

September 21, 2008

Top of the Podcasts

September 21, 2008

London omnibus bell hell

September 18, 2008

Noel goes stage diving

September 13, 2008

protected rights restrictions lifted

September 13, 2008

August  9

R.E.M setlist Twickenham - 30 August 2008

August 31, 2008


August 30, 2008


August 30, 2008

London calling

August 26, 2008

twitter killed the blogging star

August 26, 2008

Irish marketing

August 26, 2008

knowing me, knowing you

August 19, 2008

in praise of Disqus

August 14, 2008

Venetian philosophy

August 13, 2008

July  3

how to make 100 friends on identi.ca in 14 days

July 16, 2008

chance meeting with man in Gents toilet

July 13, 2008

Wimbledon match report

July 6, 2008

June  5

Gmail on the up down under

June 24, 2008

in praise of Frank Dancevic

June 24, 2008

Intranet on the Internet

June 20, 2008


June 15, 2008

reader fragmentation

June 10, 2008

May  5

The Chameleons - Splitting in Two

May 29, 2008

30 second guide to musical taste

May 19, 2008

truth behind the Rangers fans and the Manchester riots

May 15, 2008

pocket Web 2.0 dictionary

May 9, 2008

new look for monthly archives

May 1, 2008

April  13

so farewell then, Sven Goran Eriksson

April 29, 2008

a brief history of inane drivel

April 29, 2008

barstool correspondent

April 26, 2008

intelligent automatic follow/block script for Twitter

April 23, 2008

Unified Blogging Day

April 20, 2008

The Story of The Who

April 19, 2008

the thorny issue of blog comment ownership

April 11, 2008

a lesson in software design

April 10, 2008

25 reasons you should use Disqus

April 9, 2008

a short conversation with Les Battersby

April 9, 2008

M40 memorial

April 7, 2008

BA launches bid for prestigious ‘marketing campaign’ award

April 4, 2008

resurrection of Disqus comments

April 2, 2008

March  4

blogging bankruptcy

March 31, 2008

milestone release for Oracle database

March 31, 2008

the wit and wisdom of Terry McDermott

March 8, 2008

top 10 concerts of all time

March 6, 2008

February  9

top Premiership star sectioned

February 26, 2008

WordPress 2.5 dashboard

February 15, 2008

post mortem on the WordPress to Habari migration

February 15, 2008

now on Habari

February 13, 2008

Miles Kington and Giles Smith

February 9, 2008

Premier League expansion

February 8, 2008

England v Switzerland

February 7, 2008

OpenID support for WordPress and Drupal

February 5, 2008

back seat driver

February 1, 2008

January  19

Blue balloon

January 28, 2008

Joomla, Twitter, Drupal and ftp

January 25, 2008

London Heathrow incident

January 22, 2008

Drupal 6 RC2 near miss

January 22, 2008

Adsense milestone

January 19, 2008

what’s the blogging frequency ?

January 18, 2008

jet lagged

January 18, 2008

Cheer up Kevin Keegan

January 17, 2008

open letter to Howard Rogers

January 17, 2008

readers of Oracle blog aggregators unite (and take over)

January 16, 2008

just grow up

January 15, 2008

Oracle TagFest - the last word

January 15, 2008

something about nothing

January 15, 2008

8 things

January 9, 2008


January 9, 2008

blog housekeeping

January 5, 2008

idiot’s guide to Oracle installation

January 3, 2008

Barton watch

January 3, 2008

Stalag Facebook

January 3, 2008

2007  217

December  8

High Definition TV on Virgin Media V+

December 31, 2007

Festive Spirit

December 25, 2007

sporting predictions for 2008

December 24, 2007

Seasons Greetings

December 22, 2007

just a quick word

December 21, 2007

London Metrosexual

December 15, 2007

Charlton on Best

December 11, 2007

UKOUG agenda

December 1, 2007

November  12

fringe benefit of SezWho

November 29, 2007

that was the week that was

November 23, 2007

a brush with the Met

November 21, 2007

comparison of coComment, co.comments and commentful

November 20, 2007

Ask fights back

November 17, 2007

SezWho comment ratings system

November 16, 2007

Top 10 UK blogs

November 14, 2007

Oracle Open Underworld

November 12, 2007

Solihull to Amsterdam via London

November 9, 2007

another mangerial casualty

November 5, 2007

balls up

November 2, 2007

Tumblr V3

November 1, 2007

October  14

Disqus powered comments

October 31, 2007

Gerry and Kate McCann - an apology

October 30, 2007

world’s first blogger dies

October 30, 2007

WordPress 2.3.1 released

October 27, 2007

just the job

October 27, 2007

Rowche Rumble

October 25, 2007

just do what you are told

October 16, 2007

dead body under my floorboards

October 16, 2007

a very British death

October 15, 2007

how to migrate a WordPress blog to Django

October 14, 2007

Arsenal v Sunderland

October 8, 2007

review of ‘Control’

October 6, 2007

charitable works

October 3, 2007

upside down season

October 1, 2007

September  16


September 28, 2007

last django in London

September 26, 2007

WordPress 2.3 and Typo

September 25, 2007

a rush of blood

September 17, 2007

life and times of two ‘A’ listers

September 14, 2007

analyzing cdos

September 12, 2007

optimizing airports

September 12, 2007

sync’ing Thunderbird with Google calendar

September 10, 2007

inevitable parting of the ways

September 6, 2007

fun and games in Rotterdam

September 5, 2007

back to school

September 4, 2007

fear and trepidation

September 4, 2007

people are strange

September 4, 2007

how a digital camcorder drove me to suicide

September 3, 2007

Adsense case study for a personal blog

September 1, 2007

the real star of ‘Saxondale’

September 1, 2007

August  4

confessions of a blog addict

August 29, 2007

double Dutch

August 28, 2007

please welcome Oracle 11g

August 14, 2007

Tony Wilson

August 12, 2007

July  24

how to create perfect tables in WordPress

July 31, 2007

how fast is Google Blog search ?

July 30, 2007

non-stop erotic cabaret

July 27, 2007

Kettle Chips rant

July 27, 2007

helping people write things down

July 25, 2007

Facebook penetration of corporate America

July 25, 2007

Hook Norton Festival of Fine Ales - 2007

July 24, 2007

plans for the weekend

July 20, 2007

Artificial Intelligence

July 20, 2007

membership form for BAAG

July 17, 2007

Facebook versus LinkedIn

July 17, 2007

Planet Earth by Prince

July 16, 2007

Stadium Rock etiquette

July 16, 2007

surreal taxi ride

July 13, 2007

here we go

July 10, 2007

damned with faint praise

July 10, 2007

out with the old, in with the new

July 10, 2007

a doctor writes

July 9, 2007

Manchester City announce two new signings

July 7, 2007

beat the bookie with Brightside

July 6, 2007

SEO wars: Google versus Yahoo!

July 4, 2007

raw deal for UK smokers

July 3, 2007

practical parenting

July 2, 2007

under the covers at Wimbledon

July 1, 2007

June  22

my alter ego

June 30, 2007

go faster stripes

June 29, 2007

my worst nightmare

June 28, 2007

Google finally sees sense

June 28, 2007

my worst nightmare

June 28, 2007

Movable Type 4 (beta)

June 27, 2007

The Who at Glastonbury

June 25, 2007

quiet, loud and very loud

June 24, 2007

Theatre of Comedy

June 22, 2007

the King is dead, long live the King

June 19, 2007

weekend roundup

June 18, 2007

Welcome to England

June 15, 2007

ode to Tom

June 14, 2007

Adsense update

June 12, 2007

review of the Virgin Media V+ box

June 12, 2007

pictures of a Virgin Media V+ box

June 12, 2007

Safari browser available for Windows

June 12, 2007

Surbiton Trophy

June 11, 2007

June spawned a monster

June 11, 2007

recycle pool

June 7, 2007

fun with the Siebel data model

June 1, 2007

a polite notice

June 1, 2007

May  21

Google Reader goes offline

May 31, 2007

pass the anti-static wrist strap

May 30, 2007

blog milestone

May 26, 2007

the looming spectre of Google

May 25, 2007

sit back and watch the money roll in

May 23, 2007

blogging trends

May 22, 2007

the tragic case of Madeleine McCann

May 21, 2007

Welcome to WordPress 2.2

May 18, 2007

the most important decision of my life

May 16, 2007

Manchester City announce new manager

May 15, 2007

Darwin Awards nominee

May 15, 2007

moving house

May 15, 2007

don’t Ask

May 11, 2007

Praise be to the Lord !

May 10, 2007

a triumph for slothful indolence and lethargy

May 10, 2007

MUFC - Champions

May 8, 2007

Top 10 Keywords

May 4, 2007

open letter to Paul Scholes

May 2, 2007

in memoriam

May 2, 2007

spice up your life

May 2, 2007

a day in the life

May 2, 2007

April  11

attention all Oracle bloggers

April 30, 2007

my plans for the future

April 30, 2007

another legal battle

April 26, 2007

Nazi bus inspector killed my daughter

April 24, 2007

Tom Kyte’s insatiable appetite

April 23, 2007

migration of photo blog

April 20, 2007

something for the weekend, Sir

April 20, 2007

goodbye pMetrics

April 18, 2007

dreaming spires

April 18, 2007

goodbye last.fm

April 18, 2007

letter from America

April 16, 2007

March  25

resurrection of Performancing Metrics

March 28, 2007

Yahoo! Mail versus Gmail

March 28, 2007

the sole responsibility of a production Oracle DBA

March 27, 2007

Vista installation complete

March 27, 2007

Virgin Media V– downgrade

March 26, 2007

Virgin Media V+ upgrade

March 23, 2007

YouTube - what is it good for ?

March 22, 2007

National Anthem

March 22, 2007

career opportunities

March 20, 2007

complete, utter, 100%, unmitigated failure

March 20, 2007

in praise of Joy Division

March 17, 2007

plans for the weekend, Sir ?

March 16, 2007

two more mysteries solved

March 14, 2007

don’t believe the truth

March 14, 2007

resisting the lure of Twitter

March 12, 2007

sneak peek at Vista

March 9, 2007

free upgrades from Virgin Media

March 9, 2007

Sharpcast versus Picasa

March 8, 2007

Picasa Web Albums upgraded to 1GB

March 8, 2007

incest is best

March 7, 2007

rapid fire service from Dell

March 7, 2007

in praise of Google Desktop

March 7, 2007

rolling upgrade

March 5, 2007

Top Of The (Oracle) Blogs

March 3, 2007

lost without ‘Lost’

March 2, 2007

February  24

not dead, just resting

February 27, 2007

UK broadsheets narrow view of syndication

February 27, 2007

dangerous danger sign

February 26, 2007

out of office

February 22, 2007

feed overload

February 22, 2007

how to display Google shared items on WordPress

February 21, 2007

the art of lazy programming

February 20, 2007

conspiracy theories

February 20, 2007

am I a Google whore yet ?

February 19, 2007

resisting the lure of Google Reader

February 18, 2007

fighting email spam on Blueyonder

February 16, 2007

undercover with Surrey Traffic Police

February 15, 2007

Web 2.0 - am I infected ?

February 14, 2007


February 12, 2007

the unbearable coolness of VOIP

February 9, 2007

great fun with Iris

February 9, 2007

Here we go

February 8, 2007

the art of lazy consultancy

February 8, 2007

questions and answers

February 7, 2007

a night of outrageous flirting in Copenhagen

February 7, 2007

job vacancy

February 6, 2007

porting Drupal to Oracle and DB2

February 6, 2007

dugg, slashdotted and tailranked

February 2, 2007

bedroom antics with the wife

February 1, 2007

January  36

corporate jealousy

January 31, 2007

Snap made me finally snap

January 31, 2007

Copenhagen bound

January 31, 2007


January 31, 2007

I am a Virgin (again)

January 31, 2007

automated MySQL backups

January 30, 2007

death by PowerPoint

January 30, 2007

aim for the stars

January 29, 2007

how to rotate taglines on your WordPress blog

January 29, 2007

music for homesick people

January 29, 2007

Wayne Rooney - an apology

January 29, 2007

another shattered dream

January 25, 2007

fun with Habari

January 24, 2007

lost in transit

January 24, 2007

fun with disaster recovery

January 24, 2007

Friend of a friend

January 23, 2007

my proudest moment

January 23, 2007

guitar hero

January 23, 2007

America’s answer to Jade Goody

January 23, 2007

example of Zoho sheet

January 23, 2007

computer says ‘No’

January 22, 2007

thin line between truth and humour

January 20, 2007

Bill Gates reads my blog shock !

January 20, 2007

mean hearted bombers

January 19, 2007

two one-way tickets to Dublin, please

January 18, 2007

what’s new in Siebel 8.0

January 15, 2007

Rene Carayol’s clever approach to taxation

January 12, 2007

can Gerry Robinson fix IT ?

January 12, 2007

that’s entertainment

January 10, 2007

traffic report

January 6, 2007

Google Reader adds stats on RSS habits

January 6, 2007

who wants to be an Adsense millionaire ?

January 6, 2007

philosophy of Oracle contractors

January 6, 2007

make your mind up

January 1, 2007

2006 roundup

January 1, 2007

death of a tyrant

January 1, 2007

2006  385

December  20

Xmas surprise

December 28, 2006

probably the best feature in Oracle 10g

December 22, 2006

new homework excuse

December 19, 2006

playing mind games with Mourinho

December 19, 2006

power dressing in reverse

December 19, 2006

things that go bump in the night

December 15, 2006

Scottish women rejoice

December 14, 2006

UK tabloid Daily Express files for bankruptcy

December 12, 2006

in praise of CBO

December 11, 2006

reverse engineering

December 8, 2006

BBC Sports Personality Of The Year

December 8, 2006

rebranding Nottingham airport

December 8, 2006

British toilet humour

December 7, 2006

disk storage is cheap

December 7, 2006

suggestions for Metalink

December 7, 2006

eat your own dog food

December 5, 2006

forever in debt to your priceless advice

December 1, 2006

Dad’s Army

December 1, 2006

recycle pool #1: Oracle

December 1, 2006

murky depths of the recycle pool

December 1, 2006

November  22

testing debut at book club

November 28, 2006

Baywatch in Birmingham

November 24, 2006

from beyond the grave

November 23, 2006

dose of your own medicine

November 23, 2006


November 23, 2006

Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

November 23, 2006

How to get dugg, increase readership and earn lots of money

November 23, 2006

do not disturb

November 21, 2006

comment abuse

November 20, 2006


November 18, 2006

night out in London

November 17, 2006

flowery twats

November 16, 2006

Bluehost upgrade to WordPress 2.0.5

November 15, 2006

rising from the ashes

November 15, 2006

361 days to go

November 9, 2006

hamsters, headhunters, hampers and false religion

November 8, 2006

plugin extravaganza

November 7, 2006

a brush with social services

November 5, 2006

20 years ago

November 4, 2006

interview with Mark Burgess

November 4, 2006

Trick or treat

November 1, 2006

trumpet blowing

November 1, 2006

October  38

software upgrades

October 31, 2006

the only search engine in town

October 30, 2006

out of the office

October 27, 2006

suffer little children

October 27, 2006

things that surprise you

October 27, 2006

celebrity watch

October 25, 2006

custom Oracle search engine

October 25, 2006

new dawn fades

October 24, 2006

a picture

October 24, 2006

the never ending quest for the truth

October 23, 2006

on the third stroke

October 23, 2006

be careful out there

October 20, 2006

Arsene Wenger is a teapot

October 18, 2006

cementing my place in blog history

October 18, 2006

my new job

October 17, 2006

couple of useful Wordpress plugins

October 16, 2006

success with Firefox 2.0 RC3

October 15, 2006

laughter is the best medicine

October 12, 2006

an unusual load average

October 12, 2006

Google Docs and Spreadsheets

October 11, 2006

a thing of rare beauty

October 11, 2006

browser upgrades

October 11, 2006

WordPress.com features

October 11, 2006

improving on perfection

October 10, 2006

Drupal supports Oracle database

October 9, 2006

celebrity watch

October 7, 2006

Here we go

October 7, 2006

is it really worth it ?

October 6, 2006

Google Blog Search adds ping

October 5, 2006

free 20GB memory stick

October 5, 2006

Manchester City in Cup Final shock !

October 5, 2006

Checkpoint Charlie

October 4, 2006

30 years and counting

October 4, 2006

initial impressions of Dreamhost

October 4, 2006

full feed readers of the world unite and take over

October 3, 2006

stood up by Iris

October 3, 2006

from the mouths of babes

October 2, 2006

blog editors

October 2, 2006

September  32

from WordPress.com to WordPress.org

September 30, 2006

The End

September 29, 2006

Google Reader gets revamp

September 29, 2006

the fickle hand of fate

September 28, 2006

full feeds are the work of the devil

September 27, 2006

The Wonderful and Frightening World of Mark E. Smith

September 27, 2006

Google Notebook

September 27, 2006

drowning in a river of news

September 21, 2006

fast and dangerous

September 21, 2006

Google’s approach to software development

September 20, 2006

staggering incompetence

September 19, 2006

nice day at the office, dear ?

September 19, 2006

Dragon’s Den

September 16, 2006

sync, sync, sync

September 14, 2006

hello, hello, hello

September 14, 2006

Mozy - remote backup

September 14, 2006

Google versus Microsoft

September 14, 2006

John Peel and The Chameleons

September 14, 2006

early adopters or Luddites ?

September 13, 2006

packet sniffer

September 13, 2006

the urbanisation of Richmond Park

September 13, 2006

editting Flickr photos

September 13, 2006

The Killers

September 11, 2006

writing style

September 8, 2006

Margrave of the Marshes

September 8, 2006

unfiltered and featured

September 8, 2006

30 second guide to tuning Siebel

September 7, 2006

so farewell then

September 4, 2006

a short history of digital photography

September 3, 2006

Paula Radcliffe

September 2, 2006

my head hurts

September 2, 2006

Red lorry, yellow lorry

September 1, 2006

August  23

Your papers, please !

August 26, 2006

upmarket buskers

August 26, 2006

spammers plumb new depths

August 25, 2006

TechCrunch (UK) launches

August 25, 2006

comeback kid

August 24, 2006


August 24, 2006

Cockneys ‘R’ Us

August 24, 2006

in praise of Tom Reynolds

August 22, 2006

blog anniversary

August 22, 2006

holiday highlights

August 22, 2006

where’s your blogroll ?

August 9, 2006

least popular blogging platforms

August 9, 2006

Metro on UK blogging

August 9, 2006

the state of the UK blogosphere

August 8, 2006

AOL search data released

August 8, 2006

WordPress theme competition

August 8, 2006

Hotel Inspector

August 7, 2006

minimalism begins in Nepal

August 4, 2006

am I a technology Luddite ?

August 4, 2006

word of caution

August 3, 2006

Broadband for the masses

August 3, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

August 3, 2006


August 2, 2006

July  41

in utero

July 31, 2006

knowledge management is hard

July 31, 2006

wheels on fire

July 31, 2006

Hook Norton

July 26, 2006

rare occurrence

July 24, 2006

Ferguson’s mind games

July 22, 2006

so farewell then, NIS

July 22, 2006

George Bush covers ‘Sunday Bloody Sunday’

July 22, 2006

P45 for British blogger

July 20, 2006

smoke and mirrors

July 20, 2006

what’s in a name ?

July 20, 2006

T-shirt humour

July 18, 2006

Music nostalgia

July 18, 2006

out of sight

July 18, 2006

The Smiths nostalgia

July 17, 2006

is it just me ?

July 17, 2006


July 17, 2006

spot the hyperlink

July 17, 2006

football nostalgia

July 17, 2006

30 second guide to CRM

July 14, 2006

American with sense of humour shocker

July 13, 2006

30 second guide to data warehousing

July 13, 2006

Speech Day

July 13, 2006

British media

July 13, 2006

Lost - computer mystery solved

July 12, 2006

why England will win the next World Cup

July 11, 2006

Lost - life mirrors fiction

July 11, 2006

Discovery launch

July 7, 2006

breaking through

July 7, 2006

just do what you are told

July 6, 2006

just do what you are told

July 6, 2006

Wayne Rooney’s World Cup diary

July 6, 2006

Forza Italia !

July 5, 2006

ifs, buts and maybes

July 5, 2006

psychic powers

July 4, 2006

well played, Owen Hargreaves

July 3, 2006

the wit and wisdom of Sven Goran Eriksson

July 3, 2006

Nanny state

July 3, 2006

WorldCup fallout

July 3, 2006

latent tendencies

July 1, 2006

don’t cry for me, Argentina

July 1, 2006

June  43

Kurt Cobain

June 30, 2006

Rule is dead, long live Rule

June 30, 2006

Taxi for Poll

June 30, 2006

nearly man

June 28, 2006

nearly men

June 28, 2006

38th fastest growing WP blog

June 28, 2006

probably the most underrated band ever

June 28, 2006

the crucifixion of Wayne Rooney

June 26, 2006

the curious case of the missing ‘About’ page

June 21, 2006

Fathers Day

June 19, 2006

born of frustration

June 19, 2006

I don’t believe it

June 16, 2006

CRM by stealth

June 15, 2006

probably the best pub team in the world

June 14, 2006

the imminent death of newspapers

June 14, 2006

Michael Essien

June 14, 2006

different perspective

June 14, 2006

so farewell then, Roy Keane

June 14, 2006

don’t mention the war

June 14, 2006

World Cup dispatches from embedded reporter

June 13, 2006

helping people read books

June 13, 2006

WordPress import/export

June 13, 2006

screaming babies

June 12, 2006

inverse law of airports

June 12, 2006

worry ye not

June 9, 2006

7 habits of highly ineffectual bloggers

June 9, 2006

Blogger down

June 9, 2006

Recently I Gave Birth To A Blog

June 8, 2006

blankety blank - World Cup Special

June 8, 2006

don’t talk to strangers

June 8, 2006

Google Browser Sync

June 8, 2006

Fame at last

June 8, 2006

Blogger does something shock

June 7, 2006

Google Spreadsheets

June 6, 2006

history of Oracle

June 6, 2006

novel homework excuse

June 5, 2006

stop it, stop it, stop it

June 2, 2006

half time scoreboard

June 2, 2006

rotation policy

June 2, 2006

just say no

June 2, 2006

blind date

June 2, 2006

I should know better

June 2, 2006

probably the best World Cup chart

June 1, 2006

May  34

cartoon network

May 31, 2006

mascot mismatch

May 31, 2006

MUFC > England #2

May 30, 2006

MUFC > England

May 30, 2006

brown is the new black

May 29, 2006

partial versus full fe…

May 26, 2006

state of the database nation

May 26, 2006

Matt Mullenweg on scalability

May 25, 2006

good vibes from Netvibes

May 25, 2006

Da Vinci Code review

May 24, 2006

New York nostalgia

May 24, 2006

watching you watching me

May 24, 2006

in praise of Emacs

May 22, 2006

missed opportunity

May 20, 2006

MUFC announce Ruud’s replacement

May 20, 2006


May 18, 2006

identity crisis

May 18, 2006

if, buts and maybes

May 18, 2006

bingo night

May 18, 2006

rank my tail

May 17, 2006

Champions League bingo

May 17, 2006

a big surprise

May 16, 2006

heart and soul

May 16, 2006

in flight statistics

May 15, 2006

bits and large pieces

May 14, 2006

standing at the urinals

May 11, 2006

dead pop stars

May 11, 2006


May 8, 2006

World Cup prediction time

May 4, 2006

further afield

May 2, 2006

SonicStage 3.4 released

May 2, 2006

a truly horrible image

May 2, 2006


May 2, 2006

BA online check-in

May 2, 2006

April  29


April 28, 2006

Trading Places

April 28, 2006

Office 2.0 - ThinkFree

April 26, 2006

Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen

April 25, 2006

sports bars of Europe

April 25, 2006


April 22, 2006

state of the blogosphere

April 21, 2006

lies, damned lies and statistics

April 20, 2006

HTML > blog

April 20, 2006

1GB memory stick

April 19, 2006

book club

April 19, 2006

too good to be true ?

April 18, 2006

birth of a photo blog

April 18, 2006


April 17, 2006

in flight humour

April 17, 2006

changes at WordPress

April 17, 2006

more wireless fun

April 17, 2006

wireless upgrade

April 11, 2006

flying visit

April 10, 2006

annual review

April 9, 2006

The Killers on the move

April 8, 2006

free as in FreePhone

April 6, 2006

VMware beware

April 5, 2006

axe murderer

April 4, 2006

rude awakening

April 3, 2006

David Beckham and I

April 3, 2006

blankety blank competition

April 3, 2006

the innocence of youth

April 1, 2006

Hello EMI, Goodbye A&M

April 1, 2006

March  42

could do better

March 31, 2006

from zero to hero and back again

March 31, 2006

chaos on the streets on Newcastle

March 30, 2006

critical mass

March 30, 2006


March 30, 2006

all coming together

March 29, 2006


March 29, 2006


March 29, 2006

food for thought

March 29, 2006

deep meaningful questions

March 28, 2006

Arctic Monkeys

March 28, 2006

simple things

March 28, 2006

a cause for concern

March 27, 2006

probably the most embarassing purchase in the world

March 27, 2006

Stockholm - a word of warning

March 22, 2006

a narrow escape

March 21, 2006

infrequent flyer

March 20, 2006

absolute disgrace

March 20, 2006

teetering on the edge

March 19, 2006

Due to a complete lack of demand

March 19, 2006

by Royal appointment

March 19, 2006

9/11 - The Falling Man

March 17, 2006

In Shreds

March 16, 2006

unfortunate choice of words

March 16, 2006

heart stopping moment

March 16, 2006

One small step…

March 16, 2006

Ciddy getting giddy

March 16, 2006

I come to praise WordPress

March 16, 2006

the post that never was

March 15, 2006

WordPress humour

March 12, 2006

Thunderbirds are go !

March 8, 2006

from zero to hero

March 8, 2006

from hero to zero

March 8, 2006

probably the funniest TV show ever

March 8, 2006

autograph hunting

March 7, 2006

from zero to eternity

March 6, 2006


March 3, 2006

management consultants

March 3, 2006

payback time

March 2, 2006

tags, categories and labels

March 2, 2006

from zero to infinity (and beyond)

March 1, 2006

new month, new job

March 1, 2006

February  29

out of the closet

February 28, 2006

the great Tammy NYP blog hoax

February 28, 2006

going on a diet

February 27, 2006

full circle

February 27, 2006

from zero to 0.00000001

February 27, 2006

wireless wierdness

February 24, 2006

unused, unwanted, unloved

February 24, 2006

Google launches Google, err, Page Creator

February 23, 2006

how bind variables made me a demigod

February 23, 2006

probably the best music review in the world

February 23, 2006

small is beautiful

February 22, 2006

to whom it may concern

February 22, 2006

Getting Things Don - spelled correctly

February 21, 2006

introduction to ETL for Oracle

February 20, 2006

poor man’s satellite navigation

February 19, 2006

breath of fresh air

February 8, 2006

the black stuff

February 8, 2006

top of the (WordPress) pops

February 6, 2006

email harassment (from Microsoft)

February 6, 2006

heard it on the Newsvine

February 3, 2006

Web based calendars

February 3, 2006

UK blogs

February 3, 2006

breaking news

February 3, 2006

interviewing stories #3

February 2, 2006

interviewing stories #2

February 2, 2006

interviewing stories #1

February 2, 2006

so farewell then, Palm Vx

February 2, 2006

more statistics from WordPress

February 2, 2006

a short history of Oracle blogging

February 1, 2006

January  32

finally succumbed

January 31, 2006

stampede at London Waterloo

January 31, 2006

curious case of the missing spool file

January 27, 2006

Most Haunted #2

January 27, 2006

Most Haunted #1

January 27, 2006

Unix for lazy people

January 27, 2006

Burns night

January 26, 2006

one less reason

January 26, 2006

resisting the lure of Joomla

January 26, 2006

Gary Neville - no apology whatsoever

January 26, 2006

credit card security

January 25, 2006

senseless waste of good people

January 24, 2006

surreal Sunday

January 23, 2006

great news for RSS readers

January 21, 2006

The world according to Google

January 21, 2006

recursive financial advice from the BBC

January 20, 2006

life is so unfair

January 20, 2006

caution with BA online check-in

January 18, 2006

I’m not paranoid

January 18, 2006

probably the best marketing campaign ever

January 18, 2006

seldomly asked questions

January 17, 2006

revenge of the BAA queue monitor

January 16, 2006

less is more

January 16, 2006

PC backups with SyncBack

January 15, 2006

sports bars of Europe

January 13, 2006

queuing theory at BAA

January 13, 2006

in praise of Mark Burgess

January 10, 2006

starting out with GTD

January 10, 2006

Paul Stamatiou, I salute you

January 6, 2006

WordPress.com open up user forums

January 5, 2006

not getting things done

January 5, 2006

Raptor is out of the cage

January 3, 2006

2005  78

December  31

WordPress.com adds a couple of themes

December 28, 2005

WordPress.com improves statistics

December 23, 2005

confession time

December 22, 2005

issues arising

December 21, 2005

detailed analysis of referer logs

December 21, 2005

hostelries in West Bromwich

December 21, 2005

good news for WordPress users

December 21, 2005

what’s the (blogging) frequency, Kenneth ?

December 20, 2005

The Killers at Live 8

December 20, 2005

probably the best comment spam in the world

December 19, 2005

high availability, resilient, non-stop, 7×24 computing

December 19, 2005

bitten by Newsgator

December 19, 2005

a brush with West Midlands constabulary

December 19, 2005

Tom Raftery podcast with WordPress

December 18, 2005

another RSS reader for consideration

December 16, 2005

Xmas present for bloglines users

December 16, 2005

UK edging towards 1984

December 16, 2005

RSS feeds from the BBC

December 16, 2005

so farewell then, Pete and Geoff

December 16, 2005

British Airways - making travel easier

December 14, 2005

comparison of RSS readers

December 13, 2005

circular discussions (#2)

December 13, 2005

circular discussions

December 13, 2005

thoughts on digital radio

December 13, 2005

probably the best phish in the world

December 9, 2005

WordPress.com business model

December 8, 2005

End of an era ?

December 8, 2005

Ricky Gervais podcast

December 6, 2005

Guinness brewery tour

December 3, 2005

SonicStage 3.3 released

December 1, 2005

separated at birth

December 1, 2005

November  29

probably the best blogging platform in the world

November 30, 2005


November 30, 2005

new Regulus theme for WordPress.com

November 29, 2005

so farewell then, George Best

November 25, 2005

How to track your blog

November 23, 2005

my personal pensions crisis

November 21, 2005

credit where credit is due

November 15, 2005

music for a (very) long car journey

November 13, 2005

thoughts on the Blogger to Wordpress upgrade

November 13, 2005

the big match atmosphere

November 12, 2005

Winter is the time for migration

November 12, 2005

Sony car radio/CD/DAB

November 12, 2005

another change of scene

November 12, 2005

Ingres, OpenIngres and OpenSource

November 11, 2005

blog etiquette

November 10, 2005

Am I am an Oracle luddite ?

November 10, 2005

E-commerce at Microsoft (UK)

November 9, 2005

George Best

November 9, 2005

tweaking the blogger template

November 9, 2005

The curious case of Patrick Gibson

November 9, 2005

How to name your blog

November 8, 2005

How to get ideas for your blog

November 7, 2005

Resurrection of a gadget

November 7, 2005

Doug Burns, I salute you

November 6, 2005

How to write for your blog

November 6, 2005

How to publicise your blog

November 6, 2005

Tom Kyte makes mistake shock

November 4, 2005

Emacs as a Web 2.0 application

November 1, 2005

comparison of Blinklist, del.icio.us and Furl

November 1, 2005

October  11

Oracle newbies, wizards and gurus

October 29, 2005

Beware of shopping at Dell computers

October 29, 2005

probably the best gadget in the world

October 27, 2005

Beware of Dixons Tax Free shopping

October 25, 2005

death of a Web site

October 25, 2005

British mentality

October 22, 2005

backup your blog using Feedburner

October 14, 2005

change of scene

October 12, 2005

Google Reader

October 10, 2005

social bookmarking with Furl

October 8, 2005

developments at Telewest

October 6, 2005

September  5


September 29, 2005

a blog is born

September 28, 2005

Early Adopters

September 28, 2005

Historic Moments

September 28, 2005

Inland Revenue

September 24, 2005

August  2

Firefox and Thunderbird

August 23, 2005

dot bombs

August 17, 2005