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Which reminds me of a funny story…

I am currently working in the North East on an ’escalation’. An ’escalation’ is characterised by frequent, lengthy conference calls with bi-hourly status updates, the phrases ‘high-profile’, ‘alternative technical solutions’, ‘severe degradation’, ‘impacting the bottom line’, ‘CIO visibility’, ‘options for the weekend’ and the perennial favourite: ‘any progress yet ?’

Thus far I have managed to resist the temptation to reply: ‘No. Sorry. No progress yet because I have been in meetings and conference calls since I arrived onsite and I haven’t even been offered a coffee yet, let alone actually touched a keyboard.’

Anyway, I digress. All of these factors combine for a relatively stressful working environment.

This lunchtime, during a scheduled outage of 15 minutes to stop and restart Oracle to change a static 9i parameter (optimizer_index_cost_adj from 1 to 10 for the technically minded), three highly skilled, overpaid technical people and a project manager were overseeing this vital, complicated and potentially life saving modification.

The application servers were shutdown so those pesky users could no longer use the system. We looked wistfully at a AIX ’topas’ screen showing ‘CPU: 0%, User: 0%, System: 0%, Disk 0%, Wait: 0%’ and took a screenshot for posterity.

We paused to savour the moment. There was a brief moment of quiet contemplation and tranquility. Then the DBA piped up: ‘Shall we wait for 1 minute ?’

The DBA then fired up Enterprise Manager. We all doubled checked the password credentials and the target database. We held an impromptu video conference call to get approval to press the ‘Login’ button.

We doubled checked that password for SYS was secure, non-intuitive and, err, different for the DEV, TEST, UAT, STAGE, QA, TRAIN and PRODUCTION environments. Of course, it was. What sort of organisation responsible for Oracle outsourcing would do anything different ?

The moment had finally arrived. Hours of detailed analysis. Hours of pouring over Statspack Level 7 reports and query plans. Hours of talking to the mysterious ‘SAN Man’. Hours of scouring SupportWeb and Metalink.

Hours of investigating helpful (but ultimately unhelpful) suggestions from people who should not have been involved. Hours of going deep down into dark rat holes. Hours of early starts, late finishes, no coffee and plenty of red herrings.

The time had finally come to change the parameter. We stand, poised, on the verge of greatness.

I broke the tense silence: ‘OK. The Oracle parameter we need to change governs the behaviour of the Oracle optimizer. We are seeing an expensive ‘INDEX FULL SCAN’ on the customer table which generates million of logical I/O’s, physical disk reads and brings the database server to its knees. We are trying to encourage Oracle to use ‘INDEX RANGE SCAN’ on the driving, intersection table instead which is 300 times more efficient.’

‘We are unable to add hints. We are unable to modify the SQL generated by the black box so we are going to change a key Oracle setting for CBO. I have the Change Control in my hands. We are actually going to change an Oracle parameter.’

A hush descends. The DBA observes another minute silence and expectantly clicks ‘Instance - Configuration’. With a little prompting, he clicks ‘SPFile’ instead of ‘Running’.

I continue: ‘The parameter we are about to change is called ‘Go’ ‘Underscore’ ‘Faster’.

The DBA then scrolls down to the ‘G’ section.

There is a period of a superlative 3 second silence followed by ‘Sorry - what did you say: ‘Go’ ‘Underscore’ ‘Fas…’ followed by three people (poor project manager) laughing uncontrollably.

The door opens: ‘Any progress yet ?’