Doug Burns recently was kind enough to refer to my little, embryonic blog.

I had been lurking around the Oracle blogs for a while and had commented on a posting on Doug’s blog about his wife’s positive reaction to the recently launched Teleport service (TV and video on demand)

Now this wasn’t purely a trite comment is a desperate attempt to get someone other than the Technorati bot over to my blog. I am a Telewest customer and had previously remarked on the launch of the Teleport service on my own blog.

However, it struck me that if I had been at UKOUG and if I had just happened to be introduced to Doug Burns (an admittedly unlikely but possible scenario), would I have uttered the same words to his face as I posted on his blog ?

Now you’re back from Birmingham UKOUG, take your wife out for a meal. If she is getting ’excited’ about re-runs of Tuesday night’s BBC news and Binge Britain Uncovered on Teleport, she desperately needs it :-)

And, well, to be honest, I am still not sure. I guess it would have depended on whether he was wearing a kilt or not.