1. Disqus lets you easily track all comments you have left scattered over the blogosphere.
  2. Disqus allows you to adminster comments on multiple blogs from a single dashboard.
  3. Disqus has built-in effective protection against comment spam.
  4. Disqus provides tight integration with Blogger, WordPress, Typepad, MT and Tumblr.
  5. Disqus provides Javascript code for every other CMS.
  6. Disqus supports threaded comments.
  7. Disqus allows you to fix that embarassing typo by editting comments.
  8. Disqus ‘eat their own dog food’.
  9. Disqus is free to use.
  10. Disqus is used on over 4,000 blogs.
  11. Disqus lets you subscribe to individual comment threads.
  12. Disqus supports gravatars.
  13. Disqus lets you rate comments you like (and dislike).
  14. Disqus provides an RSS feed for all your comments.
  15. Disqus styles comments in keeping with your blog.
  16. Disqus is configurable and extensible.
  17. Disqus is written in Django.
  18. Disqus treats an email reply to an comment thread as as additional comment.
  19. Disqus is under active development.
  20. Disqus listen to user feedback.
  21. Disqus offers an API so you can write your own applications.
  22. Disqus allows you to use your OpenId credentials.
  23. Disqus offer unbelievably helpful and prompt support.
  24. Disqus provide excellent widgets.
  25. Disqus supports multiple moderators and a range of moderation options.