It’s no good. I simply can’t go on. I can no longer summon up the enthusiasm for blogging.

All the warnings from the blogging 101 courses over the years have proven to be very true.

I foolishly dipped my toe into Twitter and then FriendFeed but it’s no good I simply can’t go on with this any longer.

I can’t bear to miss my children growing up just because ‘Facebook is so last year, Dad.’

I can’t bear to talk to my wife and be abrupt and terse simply because I am now limited to 140 characters.

The time has finally come for me to declare complete 100%, unadulterated blogging and Web 2.0 bankruptcy.

Thank you all from the pit of my burning, nauseous stomach for your comments during the past years.

Tomorrow I will resign from Oracle Corporation and will devote the rest of my life to my one true love.

Learning to play guitar well enough to cover ‘Country Feedback’ by R.E.M. Wish me luck.

Peace, love, empathy

The byte stream that is ‘Blog in Isolation’.