I recently got an iTouch and, as I have been commuting into London recently, I have been listening to a few podcasts in an effort to usefully pass the time.

  • Digital Planet - BBC’s short (30 minute) roundup of technology news. Tends to cover new and interesting topics not on my conventional radar.
  • Ricky Gervais - Yes, sometimes he’s repetitive and childish but Ricky Gervais still produces occasional moments of pure genius that bring you to tears. Also features co-writer Stephen Merchant and Karl (perennial scapegoat) Pilkington.
  • FIR - Neville Hobson is one of my favourite UK bloggers and this twice weekly ‘For Immediate Release’ podcast (co-hosted with Shel Holtz) covers a wide range of developments in social media and use of new technology in the Enterprise both in the US and Europe.
  • Fighting Talk - Like Gervais, Colin Murray seems to provoke strong opinions but I like his sense of humour and quick wit as he comperes a sporting ‘Have I Got News For You’ style quiz.
  • This Week in Tech - Leo Laporte’s popular podcast. If you’ve been away from Google Reader for a while, this podcast is a great way to catch up with events from the tech world.
  • Linux Outlaws - Last but by no means last, my favourite podcast. Co-hosted by Dan Lynch (Liverpool) and Fabian Scherschel (Germany), Linux Outlaws is a comprehensive summary of OpenSource news, Linux distros, ‘Micro(soft) watch’ including interviews and feedback from the community. Informative, honest and occasionally very funny. Love the theme music (created by Dan) too.