I am a fan of WordPress. I like their software. I like their humour.

I pay absolutely nothing for the service so I really can’t complain when it breaks.

However, today is the second day I can’t access my blog on WordPress.

Nothing on Technorati. Nothing on Digg. Nothing on tech.memeorandum. Nothing on TailRank. Nothing from those Wordpress ‘A’ listers, Scoble and Winer.

In fact, as I could see other people sporadically blogging on WordPress, my paranoia took hold and I started to wonder whether I was the only person in the entire blogosphere affected by this problem.

Then, finally, I read the following posting from Matt Mullenweg in the WordPress Support forum

We’re shifting some things to address the problem, and there is new hardware and such coming online as soon as we can get it.

So, that’s fine. An update from someone in the know although the phrase ’new hardware…when we can get it’ makes me slightly uncomfortable and reaching for my Blogger details and the non-existent WordPress ’export' button.

Anyway, I am sure that when a spate of other high profile Web 2.0 companies (del.icio.us, Blogger, TypePad) had problems in December last year, the news was plastered all over Technorati and elsewhere.

So, are WordPress so fantastic and so powerful, that they are actually beyond reproach ?