Those nice people at WordPress have opened up to the masses and added a couple of new themes. I really like the ‘Regulus’ theme from Ben Gillbanks because it looks clear and uncluttered, the tag line is displayed and the RSS feeds for the blog and comments are obvious.

The only polite suggestions for improvement would be to relocate ‘Blog Roll’ under the ‘Archive’ and ‘Categories’ to let the main body text occupy more of the screen and for ‘Message ssage’ to be fixed in the ‘Comments’ section.

Please don’t tell me that bulleted lists appear in bold. They are not. Apparently, they are just in a different colour. :-) The author is kindly going to fix this issue in the next release.

So now my blog has a pretty picture of the vast, infinite emptiness of the universe and ‘Blog in Isolation’ is reinstated. Very apt.