My friends were disappointed, insulted and absolutely mortified at the suggestion (from a comment on this blog) that the Hook Norton Festival of Fine Ales was merely a

‘Boring, alcohol, induced haze’

However, I simply loved the turn of phrase that captures the very essence of Hook Norton in just four words. So much so, I had T-shirts made up for this weekend’s antics.

New for 2007: The entire event will be live mob-blogged from start to finish so don’t forget to tune in to this blog, Twitter, Pownce, Facebook and BBC World Service for exciting, real-time updates.

PS. This will be news to wives, partners and mistresses who have always been told that there is no mobile reception whatsoever in the beautiful, unspolit Cotswold village which is the only reason their loved ones are incommunicado for a blissful 48 hours.