full feed readers of the world unite and take over

Well, you could at least sign the petition if you feel that strongly

October 3, 2006

great news for RSS readers

GreatNews, in fact. I just discovered this RSS reader which is a Windows desktop RSS reader but can synchronise with Bloglines for Web based access. GreatNews is fast, has a clean logical interface, with an integrated browser, highly configurable (2 or 3 pane display), supports newspaper style for reading groups, drag’n’drop for organising folders, auto feed discovery and perhaps most importantly, displays as much content as possible (no ads), enabling you to quickly focus on what is of interest....

January 21, 2006

RSS feeds from the BBC

I subscribe to an RSS feed from the BBC about Manchester United. This feed contains match reports, previews and general news about Manchester United. However, the BBC has an infuriating habit of throwing in content from the Message Boards which are a forum for ‘fans’. Think 5 Live’s 606 radio phone-in but worse. Worse, this article appears in the feed as a new article on 15 December. This is a thread from the ‘606 message boards - Liverpool’....

December 16, 2005

comparison of RSS readers

More recently, as I have started to scan more blogs and newsfeeds, I wanted a quicker, more efficient way of scanning through my growing list of RSS sources so I investigated a few alternative RSS readers or aggregators. It was quite interesting to see how your own blog looks displayed in a variety of different formats. All that self inflicted torture over the templates, the CSS stylesheets, the sidebars, the fonts, the bulleted lists is potentially meaningless when your reader might be reading a simple text feed with more control over the presentation than you, dear author....

December 13, 2005